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Rear view of man and dentist in dental surgery

Pre & Post Dental Surgery Care

Denture & Implant Cottage cares about your dental well-being. Pre or post dental surgery care is crucial for a comfortable and correct healing process. If you have recently undergone a surgical procedure for your teeth at our facility in Peace River, then these helpful tips are exactly what you need to heal well. Call us to schedule an appointment today!

Two dental doctors and patient. Procedure at the dentist office

Pre & Post Surgical Care

Familiarize yourself with pre- and post-operative instructions for dental surgery.

Before Anesthesia

  • Nothing to Eat or Drink (including water) for 8 HOURS before your scheduled surgery appointment.

  • No smoking for at least 12 hours before surgery. Ideally, cut down or stop smoking as soon as possible prior to the day of surgery.

  • A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office, remain in the office during the procedure, and drive the patient home.

  • The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following anesthesia.

  • Please wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing with sleeves which can be rolled up past the elbow, and low-heeled shoes.

  • Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.

  • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery.

  • If you have an illness such as a cold/flu, sore throat, stomach or upset bowels, please notify the office.

  • If you take routine oral medications, please check with our clinic prior to your surgical date for instructions.

woman dentist take implant tooth

After Dental Implants

You may see a silver “button” (abutment) at the gum level where your dental implant was placed. If there is no silver button, then the implant requires a period of healing before the abutment is attached.


Do not disturb the wound by touching, spitting or aggressively rinsing in the area during the first 24 hours following your treatment.


If the denture is not a fixed bridge/denture and is still removable, wearing the denture aids in controlling swelling and also helps control bleeding and food particularly from entering the suture areas. It is recommended to not wear the denture at bedtime and to allow the tissues to rest and heal.

A Soft Food Diet Is Mandatory

Chewing motions and excessive pressure can lead to implant failure from poor osteointegration.


Only eat foods that can be cut with a spoon or fork are suggested. (Yogurt, oatmeal, soft pasta, mashed potatoes, soups, scrambled eggs, smoothies (without the straw for the first week etc...)


Continue to eat this way for 4-6 weeks. Gradually introduce other foods. (After 6 weeks of healing.)


There may be stitches placed at the treatment site. If the stitches are of the dissolvable type, they will fall out on their own within 3 to 7 days. We will remove any stitches which have not dissolved on their own.


Mild bleeding from the surgical site or redness of the saliva is normal during the first 24 hours following treatment.


Apply the sterile gauze provided to you following your treatment directly to the surgical wound. Change the gauze before it becomes saturated with blood or saliva, generally between 20 and 30 minutes apart. Excessive bleeding, or bleeding that is profuse and constant must be reported to our office immediately in order for our surgeons to manage your care.

young woman showing red bleeding gums isolated on a white background


Gum and facial swelling is normal and may continue for at least 24 to 48 hours following your treatment. To help minimize swelling, apply an icepack to the cheek adjacent to the extraction site for 5 to 10 minutes during the first 24 hours after treatment. If both sides of the mouth were treated, alternate the ice pack application, 5 to 10 minutes per side for the first 24 hours after treatment.

Woman biting green apple


Drink plenty of fluids following your treatment. Clear, cool and “flat” (non-carbonated) fluids are recommended during the first 48 hours following treatment.


Do not eat foods that require you to chew in the area of the dental implant(s). Remain on a soft non-chew diet for the first 5 days after surgery or as instructed by the surgeons &/or denturist.


Avoid popcorn, nuts, seeds (e.g. sesame seeds, sunflower seeds etc.) or hard crunchy foods for at least 2 weeks after your surgery.


Using a straw is not recommended for the first 24 hours after surgery as it may increase negative pressure in your mouth and increase bleeding from the treatment site. Straws may also traumatize the wound while the local anesthesia is effective.


You will be prescribed or recommended pain medications to take after your treatment. You or your responsible adult escort will be provided with the details for how to take these medications. The information will also be clearly labelled on your prescription bottle.


Please be sure to take the prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infections.

Oral Hygiene

Gentle oral hygiene is recommended for the first 48 hours following your treatment. Do not brush the gums directly near the surgical wound. Supplement gentle oral hygiene with the prescribed Chlorhexidine rinse starting 24 hours after your treatment. Aggressive brushing or rinsing during the first 24 hours after your treatment may cause bleeding form the site. If the denture is removable on implants, after 24 hours remove denture, rinse mouth with warm salt water, brush denture with a mild soap or a non-abrasive tooth paste. Dry denture off then apply a thin coat of Oxyfresh dental gel onto the tissue fitting side of the denture and re-insert denture. Allow gums to rest by removing the denture often when not in a public setting.

Oral hygiene products and teeth model on a white wooden background


Reduced physical activity following your treatment is recommended. Avoid excessive exercise, long distance running or heavy lifting during the first week following your treatment.

Client Experiences, Shared!

Read what people have to say about our services.

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Best Dentures Ever

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“Best dentures ever. Best fit, best look. i would recommend Denture & Implant Cottage. My upper denture that you made for me is the best fit I ever had. I have not had any issues with pressure points ánd the fit is so good. Next best, to the real thing.  I will recommend you without hesitation.  Thank You Kendall”


- Gord M.

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